Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Big Picture


I'm on the board of a local charity. We operate 12-week programs that work to develop leadership skills in Columbus youth. Essentially, we assist disadvantaged teenagers in realizing their own potential. The organization is in it's 24th year of service. Within the last few years, we have grown by leaps and bounds. Large funding has funneled in via United Way, Starbucks Foundation and The Columbus Foundation. Our partnerships include diverse communities (for example, the large Somali community that is present in Columbus) as well as public schools and various local nonprofits. Each year, hundreds of youth go through our program. All in all, it's a pretty incredible organization.

That said, we are struggling with growing pains. The employees and board of directors have a pretty good grasp of our long term goals. The challenge is communication and execution of short-term objectives. Simple tasks become tedious projects that stretch on for weeks. This is not only frustrating but it distracts from the bigger picture of what we are working toward and how we are moving the organization forward.

Every day, I take lessons from Woof! and apply them to the charity. For example, daily pet care is a symphony of communicating with owners, engaging animals of all sizes and temperaments, scheduling, accounting and blogging. In addition, I am constantly evaluating new opportunities to expand the business. The challenge is ensuring that the direction of growth is in-line with long-term goals. It's important to always stay focused on the core mission of providing quality care to your companion. And, that's the lesson that I apply to the charity - ensuring that every project is rooted in our core mission of empowering younger generations.

This is another example of how you and your companion impact my life.


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