Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Work Week

"Didn't I already go on my morning walk!? It's time for my first
nap of the day and THEN we can take some photos."

"Most people think we live the pampered life. In fact, it takes a lot of
work to look this good. Hourly naps, constant exercise and
a large social circle of friends to manage.
That's why we are pooped by the end of the day!"

"With such a busy schedule I should get paid to walk you!
Acceptable forms of payment: PB cookies and squeak toys. "

Maxwell employs some very large bodyguards. No one gets near this hotdog
without an invitation!

They are more love than bite.

But Maxwell is working on changing that! He has a new idea:
Hot Dog Training Academy

Diesel has joined the Occupy movement. He wants Mr. Maxwell to
provide better wages. He is currently 'raging' against the machine.
Hopefully he is not arrested for an illegal protest!

Uh oh..his protest just doubled in size!

Ariel is the 1%. She owns that building behind her..and all of the land.
You know what they say..great things come in small packages!
Until next time..Woof!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Friday, January 27, 2012


Let's assume that we are awake for 16 hours each day. That's nearly 6,000 hour a year. But, how many of those awake hours do we remember? And, why do we sometimes have memories of the most obscure events?

I have a vivid, decade old memory from my college days. One class let out and I needed to walk across the OSU oval for the next one. There was 15 minutes before the class started and a barrage of rain confronting me. In addition, my umbrella constantly inverted itself from the torment of the wind.  I remember feeling incredibly frustrated and irritated that I had deal with the nuisance of unbearable weather.

I'm confident this memory gobbled up better memories from that day but it's the one I have stored in my head.

Yesterday, I walked a total of 13 pups through a similar day of wind and rain. It wasn't until I returned home that I realized the physical impact of the weather. My socks were soaked and my shoes were squeaking from water. But, I was neither frustrated nor irritated. It was a good day enjoyed with incredible companions. My body was soaked but my soul was saturated with joy. 

Everyday is an adventure in the pet care business. Ten years from now, I'm not sure what will be the predominant memories from this chapter in my life. I hope it includes walking two dogs in the middle of a monsoon, at the height of lunch hour traffic, with no umbrella and a smile on my face :-)

Here are a few pictures of Winston & Debit after the rain tapered off.

Until next time..Woof!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Pup Adventures in the Big City

A smiling Ariel welcomes you to the Thursday blog!

"Ariel, you're hogging the camera!"

"That's better but why don't you come back here with us??"
"Keep complaining, Elle, and see what happens!"

"Hey now!"

Three pups on a bench - Piper, Lennie and Maggie.

Lennie shows off her new fashion wear.

Piper is sad. She would love a pink fleece winter coat.

Lennie offers Piper one of her jackets. Although, I do not think it will fit!

Lennie offers the next best thing: kisses!


"It has been a busy morning and I didn't have a chance
to brush my teeth after breakfast..see?"

"That's okay, Lennie. I still love you!"

Percy was in the circus for many years
prior to retiring to the good life in the Village.

Balancing act nose kiss.

(notice how happy Stubby looks in the background?)
(After Diesel lets out a toot)

Diesel wants to try out for Dancing with the Dogs.

Dance move #1

Dance move #2

He's all worn out!
Until next time...Woof!