Friday, December 30, 2011

Rounding out 2011

"I'm sad. I want more presents. Christmas is over and so is 2011."

Don't worry, Piper! Christmas will be back before you know it
and a new year full of adventure is ahead of us!

"That sounds good! I'll miss these fake berries! Dad hates when I eat them
but I just can't resist!"

"That's a mighty big berry in the tree! I wish I was tall enough to
reach that one!"

Do you know how to tell if Bailey likes a new friend?

Her right ear shoots straight out!

Utah, thank you for exploring the city with us this week.
You're a great state..I mean, dog!

Gus, why are you hiding!? Are you scared of something?

Oh, cats! Let's show off a few of our feline friends!
This is King George.

And his brother, Fred. They are the most playful cats.
They fetch, roll over and even bark! That may be a slight
exaggeration..but, they are pretty sweet :)

Mr. Peppi takes us out for 2011.
Woof! wishes you and your loved ones a very happy New Year.
In the words of Garrison Keillor -
"Be well, do good work, and keep in touch."

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Utah and Friends

Diesel and Utah welcome you to the Thursday blog!

Utah is a new friend that is joining us for the week.

Mr. Utah is a very laid back pup. He loves sleep and..


This is quite the adorable pack! Piper, Utah and Lennie.

Sissy, Piper and Utah sitting on a stoop.

More kisses for Utah.

Utah takes a fancy to Miss Piper!

Sissy would like to request some attention!

That's a wrap for today. Time for Gus to go inside and take a nap.
Have a great day! Woof!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Gus and the Gus statue welcome you to the blog!

Momma Bailey gives a kiss to Percy..

Before sending him off to school for the day.

Percy does not want to go to school today!

Okay, he can play with friends instead! Woof!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Post-Holiday Pups!

Mr. Ike welcomes you to the Post-Christmas blog!

Mr. Ike and Miss Piper patrol German Village.

They are on the hunt for naughty and nice pups.

Pookie received a pet hedgehog for Christmas!
He must have been a good pup!

Miss Stella received a ton of presents but she wants more!
So, she got a job as an elevator operator to make some money.
I see big things in store for this little one :)

The lioness, Miss Piper.

Along with her sis, Sissy!

Sissy is a little sad that she didn't get a white Christmas.
Next year, my love!

A very happy Stubby.

Ariel stops by to wish the Corgis a Merry Christmas!

Just like Santa, Ariel sneaks by Percy when he's not paying attention!

These pups love watching Holiday movies!
The 12 Dogs of Christmas is a family favorite.

After so many treats, Percy the fox is ready to burn some calories.

A friendly encounter with Ariel.

And a friendly chase with Ike!

Sometimes Percy gets so excited that he begins to hop like a bunny.

All of this adventure makes for a tired Corgi.
Thank you for visiting. Have a great day. Woof!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Thursday, December 22, 2011

More Pups!

A Holiday friend, Odie, welcomes you to the Thursday blog!

Odie on the move in downtown Columbus.

Odie's older brother, Buddy. He's 13 years young. And..he missed the bus!

The Pack regulars! Diesel, Lennie and Miss Piper.

Mr. Maxwell comes up for a visit.

Diesel! Show some Holiday love to your friends!

Ah, that's better :)
