Saturday, April 30, 2011

Weekend Adventures

I'm away for the weekend (my grandmother's 95th!) but here are some pictures from Greg's friends.

Bess, Fluffy and Fancy



More Gus

Puppy Piper sunbathing 

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Happy Thursday!

Boston love

"Less pic, more walk..please"

We have a Bagel. We have a Goose. Now we have a Noodle!

Someone loves the sun

Goose getting ready to pounce

Goose REALLY wants to play with Piper

He wants to shower her with puppy love!

Bailey, always happy.

Jersey spots a bird

Bailey inspects

Sam in stride

Puppy Piper, Sam, Noodle, Maxwell & Diesel had solo sessions.
Goose walked with Piper.
Jersey walked with Bailey during her first session, Eleanor & Bruno during her second.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

At least it's not snowing!

It was quite a day! The wind broke my umbrella and the rain broke our walking stride. But, we waited out Mother Nature and sure enough, that sun finally peaked out from behind the clouds.
Puppy Piper on the prowl

Watching a few ants makes Piper feel like a giant!

Diesel looks tiny in this picture

He's not

Puppy Love

Diesel is very curious about this tiny pup

One more kiss..

Okay, time to go!

Bruno lucks out with the sun @ Goodale Park!

Puppy Piper, Piper, Bruno and Sam had solo sessions.
Diesel walked with Maxwell during his first session.
Lennie walked with Finn.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Tuesday!

Good Morning, little Maxwell!

Stretching those legs

Enjoying the calm before the storm

A downtown walk

Big pups

Puppies in varying size

Puppy Piper, Maxwell and Sam had solo sessions.
Finn walked with Bailey and Jersey.
Finn walked with Goose and Piper.
Finn walked with Lennie and Alfie.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Pup Love


Playful Puppy Piper

Lennie poses for a picture

Maxwell has some visitors

Lennie looks like a giant compared to Maxwell!

Maxwell claims Lennie from Diesel

But still has love for Big D!

Puppy Piper, Piper, Bailey and Maxwell had solo sessions.
Lennie walked with Diesel (and checked in on Maxwell with me).

Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Friday!


Stretching across OHIO

Eleanor and a cat!

Big D

Big D and not-so-little Finn

Finn walked with Eleanor.
Finn walked with Piper.
Finn walked with Diesel.
Finn walked with Lennie.
Finn walked with me.
Finn says, "Have a good weekend!"